50 Years | Bryan Area Foundation
Total Assets 1999 $8.2 million In 1990 BAF President Richard Reed announced that donor endowment had reached $2 million. The explosion of technology brought higher productivity and personal income, impacting the Bryan area’s capacity for philanthropy. At the 25th anniversary celebration, BAF President Wayne Shaffer praised the asset growth without any fund raising or solicitation. He likened it to a quote from a popular baseball movie, Field of Dreams, “If you build it, they will come.” Assets were over $4 million. Mr. Shaffer was the fifth president to lead a doubling of the BAF endowment. The Dream Continues “If you build it, they will come.” The dream of a playground in Recreation Park attracted over 2500 volunteers in 1994. The BAF awarded $45,000 to help the community come together to build the Imagination Station. The BAF celebrates its 25th anniversary in 1995 and honors charter members. Seated L to R are Dr. H.R. Mayberry, Richard Reed and Grant Brown; standing, Bill Weaver, Randolph Bard, Wayne Shaffer, George Isaac, Bruce Benedict, Ford Cullis and Ted Spangler. • Assets accumulated: over $4.4 million • Grants awarded: over $1.5 million • Scholarships given: over $455,000 to 634 students from 37 scholarship funds • Funds established: 111 • Members of the BAF: 41 1995 25 th Anniversary of BAF