50 Years | Bryan Area Foundation
2000’s 1980’s 1990-1999 In 1999, with an endowment approaching $8 million, the BAF operated in a small rent free office with volunteer members. Recognizing the need for professional growth and advice, President Tom Herman and a facilitator from The Donors Forum led members in a day long retreat. They identified concepts of a successful foundation including a permanent office and professional staff. Total Grants & Scholarships 1999 $2.8million In 1991 a foundation grant of $60,000 helped renovate an old building into a new community center on Buffalo Road. A member seminar in 1999 was a turning point for the BAF. Pictured L to R are Dean Blaser, Connie Tipton, Tom Herman, Lori Kuhn, Donors Forum director, and Dean Spangler. The Arts and Education Center received a total of $250,000 in grants over several years. “The Bryan Area Foundation is t h e g r e a t e s t t h i n g t h a t h a s c o m e d o w n t h e p i k e f o r B r y a n , O h i o . ” - A l H o r n , T r e a s u r e r Bryan named 30th best small town in America FUNDS 1999 152