Bryan Area Foundation News
Lincoln Park Inclusive Playground Grand Opening
On Sunday, June 2, 2024, a dream became a reality! For twelve years former Bryan City Schools employee and current Bryan Parks and Recreation Board member Paula Kline, who worked with children of various abilities, wondered why her hometown of Bryan, Ohio, didn’t have...
Jim Tucker receives the 2024 Good Citizen of the Year Award
😁 Congratulations to Jim Tucker for receiving the Howard C. and Mary Allene Hawk Good Citizen Award for...

William (Bill) G. Martin wins the 2023 Good Citizen of the Year Award
Congratulations to Bill Martin for receiving the Howard C. and Mary Allene Hawk Good Citizen Award for 2023. This prestigious honor is presented annually to one of Bryan, Ohio's distinguished citizens who has been a resident for at least 20 years and has served in an...

$730,000 raised for new Bryan, Ohio Lincoln Park Inclusive Playground!
Inclusive Playground Fundraising Goal Met Bryan Area Foundation Grants $100,000 to Project What: Bryan, OH: The Bryan Area Foundation, whose mission is to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of our area now and for generations to come by building community...

Bryan Area Foundation President and CEO Amy Miller on Small Nation’s Podcast
Listen to Amy Miller, President and CEO of the Bryan Area Foundation, talk about Bryan, Ohio, and how it has started to revitalize its downtown.

Lincoln Park Inclusive Playground
Click here to learn about the new Lincoln Park Inclusive Playground and how you can be a part of it!

Conversation on Leadership with Youngstown State University President Jim Tressel & Former Ohio State University Safety Mike Doss
Did you miss your chance to hear Youngstown State University President and former Ohio State University football coach Jim Tressel and former Ohio State University Safety Mike Doss speak to the Bryan community? No worries! Click here to see their presentation and...

2022 Good Citizen Award-Robert (Bob) Rowan
Congratulations to Robert (Bob) Rowan for winning the 2022 Bryan Area Foundation Good Citizen Award! Nominated by Margie Geisler, Bob has been a resident of Bryan for 72 years and is actively involved in veteran's affairs, Wesley United Methodist Church, Boy Scouts of...

Connie Tipton is Good Citizen of the Year
The City of Bryan is fortunate to have Imagination Station, a popular, creative playground in Recreation Park. More than $135,000 was raised to build the playground and thousands of Bryan and area citizens volunteered their time and talents to put the playground...
Bryan Area Foundation Annual Members Meeting (Paywall)
The Bryan Area Foundation celebrated a successful year during its annual meeting Thursday. The BAF awarded its annual Good Citizen Award to Connie Tipton and heard a keynote presentation from Jason Duff, the leader of a team of young entrepreneurs with a history of...